Conservancy of Southwest Florida – Water Adventure

Three’s Company

The Turtle Journal team has been exploring the Conservancy of Southwest Florida  in Naples for several decades.  And each time we visit, we learn new things about the complex and delicate ecosystems of the area, and the multiple initiatives of the Conservancy to protect southwest Florida habitats, to save endangered species and to rescue injured animals.  In the next few posting, we will explore with you the Conservancy in three parts.

#1. Water Adventure: Conservancy Electric Boat

First, we will bring you on a water adventure through the estuarine channels of Naples, Florida leading to the Gulf of Mexico.

#2. Nature Center: Diamondback Terrapin

Next, we’ll explore the Conservancy’s Nature Center where you find a wide variety of local species and tons of information about the southwest Florida ecosystem and habitats.

#3. Animal Hospital: Treatment Room

Finally, we will take you behind the scenes of the Conservancy’s animal hospital where the staff works magic to rescue and rehabilitate injured critters.

Water Adventure

“Welcome to the Conservancy”

Twisting and turning like an aquatic labyrinth, estuarine channels of Naples’ back bay showcase a wide variety of wildlife among abutting mangrove banks and islands.  Whether an irascible waterfowl quacking solo, a duet of predatory ospreys, …

Osprey Duet

.. or a the trio of basking turtles (see above), you may find treasures around every bend.  But keep a sharp eye because they’re all camouflaged beyond recognition by mere mortals!

Click Here to View Video in High Quality

Conservancy of SW Florida Water Adventure Part I

Come for a ride on the Conservancy’s electric boat to explore the estuarine channels of the back bay.

Click Here to View Video in High Quality

Conservancy of SW Florida Water Adventure Part I

Return to Turtle Journal soon to see the second article in this series as we go inside the Conservancy’s nature center.

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