Shark Attack! 3 December 2000
Sunset and high tide converged last night in an explosion of symphonic
colors as we patrolled Brewster beaches in search of cold-stunned sea
At Saints Landing the largest turtle of the season to
date came ashore: a loggerhead weighing 63 pounds and measuring nearly 55
centimeters carapace length. This critter with a missing right rear flipper
and a 26-centimeter bite ripped out of its right rear quadrant had been the victim
of a shark attack.
Close inspection of the wound clearly shows the outline of the sharks
tooth notched in the shell. From the extent of healing and parasites, such as
mussels growing in the wound, we can deduce that the turtle survived the shark strike
that occurred at least some time in the past. Unfortunately, exacerbated by
cold-stunning, which dropped its internal body temperature to 39.4°F, this
loggerhead did not live through the night.
Three dead Kemps ridley sea turtles came ashore this
morning on Brewster beaches. They all measured around 31 centimeters
carapace length and weighed a little over 4 kilograms. Totals as of this
morning are 30 ridleys and two loggerheads for the fall stranding