Archive for the ‘Habitat’ Category

Mating Pair of Wood Frogs at Goldwitz Bog

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

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Female Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica)

Today, April 5th, was mild in the mid-50s and overcast with some gentle rain.  We had hoped the temperatures and the rain would continue into the dark to entice spotted salamanders to begin their mating congress.  So, Turtle Journal drove to a nearby abandoned cranberry bog, the Goldwitz Bog, in Marion on the SouthCoast of Massachusetts to see what might be afoot.  Unfortunately, temperatures had plunged to 41F and the rain had ceased.

Mating Pair of Wood Frogs

As we checked the shallow channels in the abandoned bog, Sue Wieber Nourse spotted a pair of mating frogs seemingly frozen at the surface of the water.  She scooped them in her collection net for closer examination.  Wood frogs are an early harbinger of springtime on the SouthCoast and may begin their mating rituals in temperatures around 41F.

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Pair of Wood Frogs, SouthCoast of Massachusetts

Once we documented the adorable couple, we released them back into the bog to complete the evening’s dance card.

Spotted Salamanders Off to Late, Slow Start

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

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Yellow Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) Egg Sac

A light rain sprinkled the South Coast of Massachusetts on Friday night with temperatures still hovering in the high 30s/low 40s.  We had not yet seen any sign of spotted salamander mating congresses and no egg sacs so far this season because temperatures have been unfavorable.  In fact, we experienced an April Fool’s Day snow storm this year.  Nothing to write home about, only a couple of inches of heavy flakes, but still enough to delay the kick start to spring.  Even frogs and spring peepers have been few and far between.  The wild seems eerily silent this year.

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Spotted Salamander Individual Egg

After last night’s gentle rain, Turtle Journal opted to scour the shallow channels of Marion’s abandoned Goldwitz Bog this morning, and we found a small concentration of spotted salamander egg sacs in the very early stage of development.  Obviously, since it was broad daylight, we saw no spotted salamander specimens.

Development of Spotted Salamander Eggs and Larvae

Combining original Turtle Journal footage from last season with material from Yale University in 1920, the video clip above documents the development phases of spotted salamander eggs.  The eggs we found today in the abandoned Goldwitz cranberry bog, as pictured above, are clearly at early stages of development.  You can read about last year’s nighttime adventure to discover the spotted salamander mating congress under Turtle Journal articles “Slithering Salamanders, Turtleman!  Why Did the Spotted Salamander Cross the Road?”  and “Portrait of a Spotted Salamander.”  (ASIDE:  Fortunately, you won’t have to read about how the Turtleman got a permanent “dueling” scar across his nose while scrambling through the bog’s thorny bushes in the dark of night.)

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Spotted Salamander Egg Sacs in Goldwitz Bog

Today’s egg sacs were in the same approximate location of last year’s mating congress, although much, much fewer in number.  We expect to see more mating activity over the coming nights, especially if there’s any warm rain in the forecast.

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Close Up of Spotted Salamander Egg Sacs

Above our camera zooms in on the only egg sacs that we discovered today, April 2nd.

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Close Inspection Show Early Developmental Stage of Eggs

And the camera zooms even further to show the eggs/embryos in early stages of development.

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Extreme Close Up of Individual Egg Sacs

With an extreme close up of individual egg sacs, and comparing them to the video above, you can clearly see how early in the development process these larvae remain.  We suspect … based on our continuing observations of this area … that the eggs may have been deposited last night, April 1st/2nd.

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Entire Eco-System Springs to Life

Sometimes we forget how important these events are to the entire eco-system as colonies of interesting critters erupt around salamander and frog mating aggregations, a magical time on the South Coast when the entire bog springs to life and to sound.  We leave you with a trilling chorus of “A Little Amphibian Night Music” … an original creation by the Slithering South Coast Croakers.

First Winter Solstice Eclipse in U.S. History

Friday, December 17th, 2010

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Lunar Eclipse as Seen in Turtle Journal Time Machine

Winter Solstice offers us a rare grand finale to 2010 with a total lunar eclipse in the very wee hours of December 21st.  According to net geeks who have run searches and calculations in Gregorian and Julian calendars, the last time a winter solstice presented a total lunar eclipse was back in the days of Pilgrims and the Plymouth Colony in 1638.  How long ago was that?  1638 witnessed the first historical mention of Barnstable (Cape Cod), as well as the death of legendary clergyman John Harvard.  Back in the “Old World,” the Thirty Years War would still rage for another decade.  Since Turtle Journal claims no special astronomic or astrological skills, we can’t independently confirm the 1638 date.  In fact, yesterday’s Montreal Gazette reported that NASA calculates the last time the winter solstice and a total lunar eclipse happened at the same time was 1554.  Yes, for those historical scholars amongst us, that was the year Elizabeth (future Queen Elizabeth I) was tossed into the Tower by her half sister Queen Mary; the year that Lady Jane Grey, the usurper, was beheaded alongside her husband; and the year Walter Raleigh was born.  Whichever date, 1638 or 1554 proves correct, it has been a long, long time since we’ve had the chance to celebrate the winter solstice with a total lunar eclipse, and never before in the history of the United States of America.

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Moon Completely Enveloped in Earth’s Shadow

So, on Monday evening, make your preparations.  Sometime in the early, early hours of the 21st, around 1:30 am, the moon will become partially engulfed as it moves toward total eclipse.  The night will drag a burnt orange pallet across craters and valleys until totality arrives around 2:40 am. 

Turtle Journal Time Machine Coverage of Lunar Eclipse

Because the weather forecast threatens snow showers for Monday night and Tuesday morning, Turtle Journal has spared no expense to invent an elegant time machine to provide its loyal readers an early and clearer vision of this rare event.  We had no intention to allow New England winter weather to spoil this once-in-half-millenium happening.

Turtle Journal Participates in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Horseshoe Crab Tagging

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

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 Tagged Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus)

“Horseshoe crabs are evolutionary survivors that have remained relatively unchanged in appearance for 350 million years,” begins the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service information fact sheet on “The Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) — A Living Fossil.”  As youngsters summering on Cape Cod, the Turtle Journal team remembers swarms of thousands of mating horseshoe crabs on beaches from Falmouth to Provincetown.  Wading in the tidal flats was transformed into an obstacle course as we stepped over myriad pairs of horseshoe crabs approaching the beach.  Today, populations have dwindled by orders of magnitude as these gentle critters have been harvested for conch and whelk bait, have been bled for medical research, and have been hunted and killed for bounties.  These inter-tidal roto-tillers provide a critical service for the estuarine ecosystem, and as you will learn in the fact sheets below, horseshoe crab eggs are a critical factor in some of the longest shorebird migrations on record.

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Close-Up of Horseshoe Crab Tag

Turtle Journal’s Don Lewis discovered the tagged horseshoe crab in the salt marsh off Lieutenant Island.  He photographed the animal and the tag, and later called the toll free number of this U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service research project.

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Letter from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Click on Image)

We received a nice letter from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to give us more information about the tagging program and to thank us for our participation.

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Horseshoe Crab Pin

Included with the letter was a wonderful horseshoe crab pin that captures the very essence of this ancient critter in miniature.  We will wear it with pride. 

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Horseshoe Crab Fact Sheet (Click on Image)

The package from Fish and Wildlife also included a great fact sheet on horseshoe crabs …

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Shorebirds Fact Sheet (Click on Image)

… and a background paper on shorebirds that depend on horseshoe crab eggs.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Certificate

Turtle Journal encourages you, too, to participate in these worthwhile research programs.  Whenever you find a tag in the wild, record the tag number, make a note of the telephone number, remember the location, and give U.S. Fish  and Wildlife a call.

In our hearts and memories, horseshoe crabs are a quintessential Cape Cod symbol.  And, between turtles at 300 million years old and horseshoe crabs at 350 million years old, we are fortunate to study living fossils that may actually have something important to teach their big brained yet less capable successors about LONG term survival.

Stranding Weekend: Duck Harbor – Great Island Beach Patrol

Thursday, November 11th, 2010

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Patrolling Beach at Duck Harbor

Saturday morning of Stranding Weekend opened with a beach patrol.  Participants and instructors vanned to Duck Harbor in northwest Wellfleet on Cape Cod Bay.  With winds blowing north-northwest, the group trekked south from Duck Harbor to Great Island.  This long peninsula protects Wellfleet Bay to the east from prevailing storms that march relentlessly west-to-east across New England.  It also “catches” cold-stunned sea turtles as they are tossed by the prevailing winds onto the shoreline of Cape Cod Bay.

(NOTE:  Click on photographs for larger images which will appear in a separate window.)

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Duck Harbor in November

Duck Harbor is no more, but perhaps may rise again.  Around the turn of the last century, the flow of salt water from Wellfleet Bay and the Herring River was choked by a dike in Chequessett Neck.  The former islands of Griffin and Bound Brook and several others, which once were separated by salt marshes and brackish branches of the Herring River, exist now in name and memory only.  The photograph above looks north toward Bound Brook “Island” with Duck “Harbor” only imagined in the darkened, low-lying vegetation where toads now emerge in spring rains.  Perhaps, after decades of “planning,” the offending dike will finally be replaced.  Marshes will flourish again as habitat for dwindling populations of herring and terrapins, and a critical eco-system will be restore.

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What’s That in the Bay?

On reaching the beach we surveyed the coastal scene.  Provincetown, distinctively emblematic with its Pilgrim Monument, rose above bay waters to our right.  Invisible across the cloud covered bay lay Plymouth where Pilgrims settled after their brief stay on Outer Cape Cod.  I guess the Cape had already become a “relaxing vacation spot” nearly four hundred years ago. 

“What’s that?” exclaimed the chorus of adventurers as binoculars sprung to the ready.

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What’s That on the Beach?

“What’s that?” echoed barked vocalizations from the bay, as equally curious mammals stared landward.  One harbor seal, spy-hopping behind another, whispered, “Pilgrims … They’re baaack.”

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Examining a Live Rock Crab

Under the storm-tossed wrack line, the place where seaweed, flotsam and jetsam accumulate with the tide, resides a museum of discoveries for the inquisitive explorer to investigate.  A soft-shelled rock crab, a bit lethargic from the cold, was excavated from the wrack.  Recently molted, its shell was still soft to the touch and brought out stories about steaming bushels of Chesapeake Bay blue crabs and soft-shelled crab sandwiches.

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Cape Cod Bay Atlantic Rock Crab (Cancer irroratus)

We saw another specimen of the Atlantic rock crab during our afternoon cruise in Wellfleet Bay.  The captain had been dragging for quahogs and brought up a lonely crab that sat atop fishing gear in the stern of the boat.

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Cape Cod Bay Atlantic Rock Crab (Cancer irroratus)

After photo-documenting this obliging specimen, we returned it to the bay.

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A Rock Crab in the Hand

Each field school participant enjoyed the opportunity to examine the Atlantic rock crab before we tucked it safely back under the protective wrack.

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Comparison:  Rock Crab versus Green Crab

A bit further down the beach we discovered two molted crab shells that illustrated the differences between the Atlantic rock crab and a European bio-invader, the green crab (Carcinus maenus).  And, yes, it is just as “mean” as the pronunciation of its scientific name might suggest.

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Checking the Wrack Line

The blanketing wrack offered a hidden encyclopedia of coastal species, and everyone joined in the act, lifting, poking and prodding eel grass piles for discoveries.  As new specimens arose, instructors Sue Wieber Nourse and Dennis Murley would cite their natural history, enriched with exotic tales of lore for each species.

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Cape Cod Bay Blood Ark (Anadara ovalis)

A blood ark appeared.   This interesting bivalve is one of the few mollusks that have red blood; hence the name.  It sometimes goes by the title of Bloody Clam.

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Cape Cod Bay Blood Ark (Anadara ovalis)

Ironically, when viewed from this angle, the “Blood” Ark takes on a heart shape!

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Sue Wieber Nourse Explains the “Mermaid’s Purse”

Sue Wieber Nourse found “mermaid’s purses” mixed among the eel grass mat.  The mermaid’s purse, also called the devil’s purse, is actually an egg casing for a skate.

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Patrolling the Beach toward Great Island

And so the morning progressed.  From discovery to discovery this band of intrepid adventurers explored the wind-swept beach.

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Examining Decorator Worm

A decorator worm proved the next specimen.  

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Close-Up of Decorator Worm

This invertebrate critter appears to adorn itself with every tiny bit of broken shell and debris that can be found along the shore. 

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The “Eider Problem”

Dennis Murley stopped the group at one of several dead eider carcasses that we discovered along this stretch of beach.  He talked about the research that was ongoing to determine the cause of these deaths, which considering the thousands upon thousands of eiders that occupy the bay at this time of the year, may be from multiple causes.  Several flocks of hundreds of eiders skimmed across the wave tops as we walked the beach.  Research on this matter continues. 

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Chubby Little Sanderlings

Tiny plump sanderlings worked the entire length of the beach from Duck Harbor to Great Island.  They flitted along the shore a few feet in front of the group, working in the waves for morsels of food.  When we approached too closely, they’d take flight and work the beach behind us.

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Gulls Take Refuge Under Towering Coastal Bank

Gulls of several varieties hunkered in the protective lee of towering coastal banks.  On occasion, these apparently well fed birds waddled to the water and half-heartedly poked for something munchable.  For the most part, though, they seemed to enjoy the spectacle of energetic humans plodding down the beach.

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Erosion Claims Coastal Development

Those towering banks on the Outer Cape always remind me of the Egyptian pyramids with their appearance of resilience and permanence.  Yet, coastal banks and dunes are actually the opposite of rigid pyramids.  They maintain their permanence through resilience as a soft impact barrier to the relentless onslaught of wind and sea.  As Dennis noted to the group, the “angle of repose” remains constant.  Sea and surf eat away at the bottom of the bank, and the top gradually falls to assume the same angle of repose as the leading edge of the bank moves slowly, constantly and inexorably inland.  Resilience holds true; permanence is an illusion.  And as if to underscore that point, the remnants of a coastal cottage lies destroyed in the advance of the sea and the retreat of the bank.

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Erosion Exposes Deep Well Pipes of Former Cottage

Maybe a hundred feet seaward of the collapsed foundation lies the remains of well pipes that had plunged deeply into the aquifer to provide drinking water for this coastal cottage.  Images serve as a clear reminder of the transitory nature of human imprint on the ever changing landscape of Outer Cape Cod.  Created by the retreating Laurentide glacier 15,000 years in the past, the Cape will inevitably succumb to the advance. 

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Cleaning Up

Doing our small part to undo some of the human impact on this fragile habitat, the team collected debris as we patrolled the beach from Duck Harbor to Great Island.