Baby Mute Swan Cygnets in Marion’s Spragues Cove

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Baby Mute Swan Cygnets Newly Hatched

Turtle Journal ventured to Spragues Cove in Marion on Buzzards Bay this morning to check the status of a mute swan nest that we have been following since April 4th.  See Egg Hunt: Who Needs Bunnies When You Have Swans? for the initial story of this nest and a look at a perfect mute swan egg that one of these babies had occupied.

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Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) Adult on Nest

As we approached, one of the adults was patiently sitting on the nest.  Everything seemed as it has been for the last nearly six weeks, except when we got close.

Adult Swan Rises to Expose Baby Cynets

The adult reared up, exposing four perfect baby cygnets, and began hissing in our direction.  Once the adult realized our cameras were no threat, it calmed a bit and allowed the cygnets to enjoy exposure to the warm mid-60 degree breeze.

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Four Baby Cygnets with Adult Mute Swan

The baby cygnets seemed amused by this brief moment of freedom.  They squirmed around and looked hither and yon under the watchful eye of the adult that stood sentry above them.

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Four Adorable Baby Cygnets (Cygnus olor)

They were truly adorable white fuzz balls with black beaks rather than the characteristic orange beaks of adult mute swans.

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“So, this is what they call sunshine.”

With longer exposure came more adventurous exploration as they waddled around the nest looking for the best exposure to the warming sun.

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“Okay, we’ve seen enough.  You can sit now, Mom.”

Soon, though, they settled back down as if realizing that this brief moment in the sun had run its course.

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“Thanks, Mom.” Mute Swam Resumes Sitting Nest

The adult re-sat on the nest, carefully tucking the adorable baby cygnets under her feathers.  And Turtle Journal withdrew for another adventure of discovery.

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