Billingsgate Shoals Occupied by Gray Seals
Participants in the Stranding Weekend on Outer Cape Cod boarded the Naviator in Wellfleet Harbor this afternoon for a cruise to Billingsgate Shoals at the mouth of Wellfleet Bay. The shoals are found off the southern tip of the Great Island peninsula, across a swift flowing channel from Jeremy Point. As the tide drops and Billingsgate Shoals rises from the bottom of Cape Cod Bay, gray seals mass on the moist sands.
 Gray Seal Entangled in Gill Netting
 As the Naviator held station off Billingsgate, binoculars and camera caught three seals that had signs of gill net entanglement. The third gray seal from the bottom left in the photograph above has extensive netting wrapped around its neck.
Close-Up of Gray Seal Entangled in Gill Netting
A close-up of this seal shows the gill netting more clearly.Â