Rufus Retriever’s Heartfelt Confession

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Turtle Journal’s Rufus Retriever’s Confession

“Wow!  I went out to the tidal flats of Outer Cape Cod for the very first time, and you wouldn’t believe all the wonderful things I found.  My dad shot this video of the critters I got a chance to meet, but he missed the best one, though.

“While he and mom were wading out into the Fresh Brook Run, I spotted a snoozing duck.  Shush!!  Please don’t tell the nice folks at Mass Audubon.  They’re my friends and I don’t want them to be mad at me.  You see, it’s in my DNA makeup and I have little control over my genetic compulsion at this tender age.  Dad and mom are trying to teach me, and I’m sure I’ll learn soon.

“But BOY! was it fun to get down on all fours on the sandbar and snake-walk ever so slowly toward that floating duck.  I crept silently, step by step, inch by inch.  I held my breath.  And then … I pounced.

“With my soft mouth I snatched the duck by the nape and high-footed in unbridled puppy pride to show off my trophy to dad and mom.  The duck began dancing in mid air as I pranced toward them, splashing in the shallows. 

“I suspected I may have done something wrong when I saw the shocked expression on their faces.  Dad calmly said, ‘Rufus, drop the duck.  Leave!’

“I opened my mouth and out popped the frantic duck who quick-walked on water … flap, flap, flap, flap … until he got airborne.

“So, I hope you’ll forgive me when I confess that it was really great fun … that I will try ever so hard never to do it again.

“Look deep inside my eyes.  I’m so sorry.  How could you doubt this innocent face?”

Rufus Retriever’s Day of Discovery (Sans Duck)

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