Ritz Carlton Naples Reports Successful 2011 Sea Turtle Nesting Season for Southwest Florida

November 7th, 2011

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SW Florida Loggerhead Hatchlings Scramble to Freedom

(Photo Courtesy of Ranger Randy Sarton)

Turtle Journal proudly salutes our colleagues in Southwest Flordia for their outstanding efforts in protecting sea turtle nests along the Gulf Coast. 

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Ranger Randy Sarton, Ritz Carlton Nature’s Wonders

According to Turtle Journal’s friend and colleague Ranger Randy Sarton, who leads Nature’s Wonders at the Naples Ritz Carlton on Vanderbilt Beach, preliminary data for the 2011 sea turtle nesting season has been compiled. Randy reports that Collier County had a total of 761 nests this season; one more than last year. Lee County, says Ranger Randy, held steady with last year at 89 nests. Sarton summarizes that 2011 marks the second consecutive year with relatively good, or at least improved, numbers. On the beach in front of the Ritz Carlton Hotel itself, Randy said they enjoyed five nests this last summer.

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Ritz Carlton Male Gopher Tortoise

Turtle Journal’s Sue Wieber Nourse patrolled Vanderbilt Beach in Naples on November 1st and ran into this handsome male gopher tortoise strolling the beach near the Ritz Carlton.  While protecting sea turtles that choose to nest on the Gulf Coast of Florida is a noble venture, threatened gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) spend their entire lives within a few tens of meters of their burrows.  The survival of Florida’s gopher tortoises rests fully and completely in the hands of Floridians.  Whether gopher tortoises survive or fade into extinction is a decision for Florida to make.  They remain Turtle Journal’s favorite reptile species in Florida, and it would be a shame for Florida’s children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to lose the experience of these fabuluous native megafauna.  Turtles survived the dinosaurs, survived the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs, survived the giant lethal North American mammalian predators and even survived the arrival of humans on our shores, but they can’t seem to dodge the thoughtlessness of human modernity.  Thanks to the great work of Nature’s Wonders, protection of native species remains an important topic of study for youngsters from two to one hundred two.

Homeless “Street Turtle” Finds a Sanctuary

October 6th, 2011

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35-Year Old Female Eastern Box Turtle

In mid August a dog walker spotted an Eastern box turtle strolling down the middle of Rockdale Avenue in urban New Bedford.  He snatched this beauty before she could be crushed by the morning traffic.  Not knowing what to do with her, he brought her to Buttonwood Park and luckily ran into Gina Purtell, the Director of Mass Audubon’s Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary.  The Turtle Journal Team and Mass Audubon have been partners for more than a decade.  So, Gina called the Turtle Guy, Don Lewis, to work out a plan to rescue this gorgeous female box turtle.

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Don Lewis Measures Eastern Box Turtle’s Girth

Since box turtles are territorial, releasing her in Buttonwood Park would have prompted her to dare the traffic once again and return to the busy streets of downtown New Bedford.  We decided to hold her until early October and release her in the quality box turtle habitat of the new Great Neck Wildlife Sanctuary in Wareham.  Our hypothesis is that releasing her immediately before the long winter brumation may reset her geographic compass to the new location.  This 35-year-old, extremely healthy female weighed 675 grams.  Within minutes of her release about a quarter mile deep into the sanctuary, she burrowed into a turtle-made hummock of pine needles and disappeared from view.  An extremely healthy sign.  This lovely lady is marked as Eastern box turtle #2 and the Turtle Journal team will be checking on her progress come springtime.

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Turtle Journal Takes Data before Release

See the Wareham Week/Village Soup story about this turtle rescue by clicking on the image above.

Eye on the Prize — Terrapin Survival

September 6th, 2011

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Diamondback Terrapin Hatchling @ Turtle Point

The prize of diamondback terrapin conservation is a healthy, growing population of this non-migratory species that had been declining towards extinction for the last century.  Achieving that prize means increasing recruits into the adult cadre to stabilize their numbers and then to transform decline into increase.  That whole process begins with hatchlings.  Saving large numbers of babies bolsters the natural population with lots of new recruits.  Turtle Journal and its partners protect nests laid from early June through late July with predator excluder cages to get eggs safely through two to three months of incubation.  As hatchlings emerge from these nests, volunteers assist them in making the most dangerous passage of their lives … from nests in sandy beaches, dunes and banks to protective camouflage either in thick lowland salt marsh or in thick upland vegetation.  Highly vulnerable hatchlings simply need a good hiding place for their first winter snooze before they begin foraging in the nursery salt marsh next spring.

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Jayla Releases Hatchlings @ Turtle Point

On Saturday, Jayla met up with the Turtle Journal team on Lieutenant Island to learn about threatened turtles.  She had an opportunity to release 30 tiny hatchlings that had emerged from nests over the previous 24 hours.  As Jayla gently lifted the babies from their pails at Turtle Point, she watched carefully as they scrambled in random directions to find a safe place to hide.

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Maire Tries to Photograph the Chaos

Maire, who accompanied Jayla to discover the mystery of Cape Cod’s elusive terrapins, tried as best she could to document the mad scramble of tiny hatchlings crisscrossing Turtle Point in search of a safe spot to hide from hosts of voracious predators. 

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Jayla and Maire Meet Terrapin Hatchling

Before leaving Turtle Point, Jayla and Maire studied one of the hatchlings up close and personal.  And like all who bring a hatchling into their hands, they bonded with the little critter, a perfect miniature version of its parents.  Unlike mammalian infants, these tiny hatchlings lead independent lives from the moment of their emergence from the nest; their parents’ DNA alone provides everything they need.  But also unlike mammals, the chance of a baby’s survival lies somewhere between one in two hundred fifty to one in a thousand.

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Don Lewis Eyes Terrapin Hatchling

Yet, under the watchful eye of the Turtle Journal team and its partners on the Outer Cape, odds of survival to adulthood are increased to as high as one in eight, giving this threatened species a substantially improved chance of avoiding extinction.  With aggressive nest conservation begun in 2000, the steady decline in terrapin numbers in Wellfleet Bay slowed, and then stabilized in mid-decade.  Within the last few years, the trend fully reversed and the Wellfleet population is now growing once again.

SouthCoast Terrapins Emerge

September 5th, 2011

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First SouthCoast Terrapin Hatchling 2011

Labor Day Weekend brought our first diamondback terrapin hatchlings of 2011 to the SouthCoast of Massachusetts.  These precious babies were saved from the threat of Hurricane Irene last weekend.  Irene punished the SouthCoast of Massachusetts, and especially Buzzards Bay, with a flooding storm surge synchronized with astronomically high tides at new moon phase.  Nesting sites all along Buzzards Bay became inundated by hurricane surge and were raked by pounding surf.  The Turtle Journal team and volunteers had rescued vulnerable SouthCoast nests just before Hurricane Irene’s arrival, and these nests began hatching during the holiday weekend.

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SouthCoast Hatchlings Begin to Emerge

In Marion, the Aucoot Cove barrier beach supports the densest concentration of terrapin nests.  With its southerly exposure, Aucoot Cove was ground zero for Hurricane Irene’s surge, which tore across its narrow width.  Fortunately, all known nests from this area had been relocated before the storm.  And on Sunday, three terrapin babies, which had “pipped” open their eggshells, scrambled to freedom when one of these rescued nests was exposed to sunlight.  These hatchlings had been deposited by their mother in their Aucoot Cove nest on June 11th and had been incubating for nearly three months before their emergence.

Three SouthCoast Terrapin Hatchlings Emerge

Although only an inch long and weighing about a quarter ounce, hatchlings are completely independent from the moment they break loose from their eggshells and scramble to freedom.  These babies will be returned to their natal nest location on Aucoot Cove for release into the wild.

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Jackie Fougere with First Hatchling from Silvershell Beach

Earlier in the weekend Jackie Fougere discovered a tiny diamondback terrapin hatchling that had crawled onto her towel at Silvershell Beach in Marion.  This baby represents the first terrapin hatchling we have documented at Silvershell Beach.  It may have emerged from an elusive nest dug by its mother on this busy summer beach, or this hatchling may have been bounced around Sippican Harbor by Hurricane Irene’s turbulence.  When discovered, the hatchling had already discarded its egg tooth; so, it was probably more than a week from emergence. 

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SouthCoast Terrapin Hatchling Up Close and Personal

This rescued hatchling was a bit dehydrated and required rehydration before release.  Yet, after soaking in fresh water for a day, this baby had regained full vitality and was ready to fend for itself in the wild.  An event like Hurricane Irene, timed to arrive at a highly vulnerable point in the terrapin nesting cycle, could nearly wipe out a year’s crop of hatchlings.  With a local population already on the brink of extirpation, the loss of an entire annual cohort might prove catastrophic.  Yet, thanks to an aggressive conservation effort on the SouthCoast of Massachusetts, hundreds of hatchlings were saved to assume their role in reconstituting this threatened population.

110 Hatchlings!

September 3rd, 2011

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110 Diamondback Terrapin Hatchlings @ Turtle Point

Diamondback terrapin hatchlings keep emerging from Lieutenant Island nests harvested in advance of Hurricane Irene.  One hundred ten eager babies broke out of their eggshells and tunneled to the surface of their sand buckets in the Turtle Journal sunroom incubator on Monday and Tuesday.  Sue Wieber Nourse released them at their natal site at the tip of Turtle Point on Wednesday morning.

110 Hatchlings Scramble to Safety

Rarely does one have the opportunity to witness more than a hundred threatened terrapin hatchlings in one place at one time.  These healthy babies couldn’t wait for their chance to break for freedom and scramble to the safety of camouflaging vegetation.  In typical “drunkard’s walk” randomness we have observed for more than a decade of terrapin hatchling conservation, some hiked upslope into the thick bearberry (hog cranberry) cover.  Many slalomed downhill toward the salt marsh’s Spartina patens.  A few simply crawled in circles and then dug a temporary hiding spot right in the soft sand of Turtle Point.

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Terrapin Hatchlings Released on Lieutenant Island

Hatchlings continue to emerge and Turtle Journal will return another large batch of terrapin babies to Turtle Point on Labor Day Weekend.