First Loggerhead 2 December 2000
A stiff north/northwest breeze, mixed with on-and-off snow showers,
drove three sea turtles onto Brewster beaches this morning: two
Kemps ridleys and the first loggerhead of the season. Todays rescues
brings the total to 28 cold-stunned sea turtles to date: 27 ridleys and one

Margot Fitsch of Brewster found this first loggerhead
near Saints Landing at 8:30 this morning.

A tad over 50 centimeters carapace length and weighing
41.5 pounds, this small juvenile reminds us how much we miss our resident
3-pound terrapins and dread this back-breaking phase of the sea turtle rescue
season. Yes, they are gorgeous, but a 40-pounder is on the tiny side of
the bell curve for loggerheads. If past is prologue, well be visited by
turtles in the 55 to 70 pound range for the next few weeks. Time to reach
for back brace and truss.

Even her massive size, compared with the smaller Kemps
ridleys, didnt save this loggerhead from severe cold-stunning. Her
internal body temperature registered only 34.9 degrees Fahrenheit. She and
her two ridley companions are en route to the New England Aquarium in Boston for
emergency treatment.
