Kemps Ridley Found in Pamet Marsh 7 January 2001
This afternoon a badly decomposed juvenile Kemps Ridley sea
turtle was recovered from Truros Pamet marsh.

The tally for this years sea turtle strandings now stands at 46: 40 ridleys and 6 loggerheads. By location:
1 stranded at Sandwich, 6 at Dennis, 19 at Brewster, 2 at Orleans, 8 at Eastham, 6 at Wellfleet, and 4 at Truro.
While beaches were scoured for sea turtles during the season, the more inaccessible marshes are still likely to turn up a
few more remains throughout the winter and early spring. While respectable, this seasons numbers fall
far short of last years record of hundreds of sea turtles stranded on Cape Cod beaches. Then again,
the weather this season fell far short of last years temperatures, too.
