Chubby Fading? 14 March 2001
Rounding Turtle Point off south Lieutenant Island
this morning, I spotted a grayish shape sagging with the contour of the salt
marsh tufts. A quick scan with binoculars identified Chubby. She lay
about 50 feet to the east of her last location and in an area which is flooded
at each high tide. |
She appeared so lethargic as I approached that I
suspected she had passed. But, no, as I tight-roped through the mucky
marsh flats and circled for a closer view, she still tracked my movement with
her eyes if not with her head.
The area of her left side, which
evidenced a confrontation on Monday, still seemed raw with some spotty blood
traces. She continues to expel gas in audible bursts.
During this quick assessment, she lifted her head
only once and briefly; she did not exhibit any defensive behavior. Her
eyes have some crusting around the lower edges, but I saw no fresh