PreEaster Egg Hunt 31 March 2001
Nothing is more exciting to a field researcher than
discovering a new nesting site. It signifies a wealth of possibilities for
our threatened friends, as they claim yet another beachhead from which to cling
to survival. So, join with me in celebrating a wonderful find on this last
day of March.
In the center of Wellfleet lies Duck Creek, once crossed by a long
abandoned railroad line stretching out here to the end of the universe.
The creek runs into the Wellfleet basin and pier, which bustle in frenetic
activity each summer as urbanites frantically scramble to relax in our rustic
hamlet. The mutts and I braved a set of intimidating PRIVATE:
NO TRESPASSING signs as we checked the wrack line for any terrapins
which may have been dislodged from their winter hibernacula by the last set of
new moon tides. The area is dotted with vacation cottages, now
boarded and ghostly in the chilly March overcast.
On an easy facing knoll, opposite the old railroad bridge, I spotted
a series of scratchings and indentations which could only signify at least
to this terrapin researcher a nesting site. On closer examination,
the entire hill was pocked with digs. Now, to an untrained eye these
signs may have pointed to a oft-visited dog run. But, no, I was sure
I had found an unknown terrapin nesting site. The problem, of course,
is that with no evidence other than earth disturbances, my assessment
would be mere speculation. And March is a bit late in the year to expect
to find remnants of nesting activity.
But the gods smiled.
Tucked near a tuft of vegetation I spotted the first terrapin egg
shell. Tracing a line back to the nearest dig, I found
some more hatched shells.
And, finally, excavating the nest itself yielded a
total of 15 hatched terrapin eggs.
The Duck Creek terrapins have a new nesting site,
or at least one we never found before. And tourists who invade the
surrounding cottages each summer will have a bit of natural miracle hatching
right under their bedroom windows.