Re-Awakening 29 April 2001
Still blowing from the north, winds subsided to
less than 10 knots and air temperature lingered in the mid 40s, but water over
the tidal flats had climbed back to 51°F by 9:30 this morning. In short,
conditions moderated just enough to allow a couple of terrapins to re-emerge
from frozen slumber with the renewed promise of springtime. Horseshoe
crabs resumed mating in numbers along the edge of low-tide sandbars in the
middle of Blackfish Creek.

And while sometimes I whine a bit about murky
conditions in the turbulent rapids over the rip, I must admit
that this morning even I couldn't find much to complain about.
Water visibility was near perfect and you could see
anything that moved through and along Blackfish Creek.

A mature male terrapin, #710, plopped over the
rapids and bobbed along the shallows, snorkeling for air as he paddled toward
the safety of deeper water. Last seen on the evening of 3 June coming
through the same rip, this turtle looked like he enjoyed a good 2000 summer
season and survived the winter quite well, too. Already one of the largest
males we have observed in Wellfleet Harbor at 13.1 centimeters carapace length,
#710 managed to gain another 5% mass to reach 340 grams body weight.
A 10-year-old female (#1051) spun through the
rapids at almost the same time. She was nearly 17 centimeters long
and weighed in at 844 grams. On closer examination, I noticed she had lost
all the toes on her right front limb, and several of the toes and claws on
her right rear leg were also gone.

Neither injury slowed her down. She
hissed a warning as I snatched her from the rip and on release she sped
toward the creek, leaving a peg hole where her right limb touched the

Both turtles seemed stone cold to the touch when I
first recovered them from the rip. As I measured, weighed, documented, and
marked them, they warmed up considerably. And by the time they were
released, they had become fully alert and active. They raced
from the beach to the water line and paddled off into the creek at full