Those Beguiling Hatchlings 13 October 2003
No one can resist the charm of terrapin hatchlings. Big eyes and big head on tiny bodies. Charismatic personalities. And too cute for words.

When I stopped by the Sanctuary to check out reports of a hatchling strolling the Goose Pond Trail, I found a young lady and her family staring at the tank of terrapin babies rehydrating before release into the wild. Never missing an opportunity to bond human and reptile, I asked if she would care to meet one of the turtles.
Do you have warm hands to keep her comfortable? I asked.
There is something magical about that first moment when a child meets a real, live turtle. Not something from a childrens book. Not a pop-up cartoon. Not a stuffed animal. But a real, live, squiggly, squirming hatchling. The wonder and the awe mark a formative instant that will be remembered for a lifetime.