Photo-Diary of a Terrapin Researcher 2002
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January 2002

Expecting the Unexpected 18 January 2002

Seals and Dolphins and Turtles, Oh My! 30 January 2002

March 2002

Winter Catchup 8 March 2002

Atlantic White-Sided Dolphins Strand in Loagy Bay 16 March

The Good, the Bad, and the . . . Phew! 20 March 2002

Cold Comfort Cape biologists save injured turtles by putting them
in a chilly slumber and an Update 24 March 2002

April 2002

Awakening 10 April 2002

Northernmost Terrapins Emerge 16 April 2002

Tough Love in Little Pleasant Bay 17 April 2002

Free At Last! 18 April 2002

Bubbles in the Press 19 April 2002

Beginnings 21 April 2002

Release of Cold-Stunned Green Sea Turtle, Zeke

Freeze Dried or Just Plain Frozen 24 April 2002

Painted Gallery 26 April 2002

Massachusetts Species at Risk Among Highest 27 April 2002

May 2002

The Paludal Posse Rides Again 4 May 2002

Cinco de Mayo Chipmans Cove Panorama 5 May 2002

. . . With a Little Help from My Friends 7 May 2002

Day of Discovery 8 May 2002

Lessons Learned . . . and Re-learned 10 May 2002

Glorious Day 11 May 2002

Preakness Preview 16 May 2002

Another Day in the Cove 17 May 2002

Melting Pot 19 May 2002

The King and Queen of Wellfleet 21 May 2002

The Adorable Couple 22 May 2002

A SUNY Day at the End of the Universe 23 May 2002

A Spate of Spat 26 May 2002

The Doctors In 30 May 2002

The PoughKeepsie Invasion 31 May 2002

June 2002

Life After Celebrity 03 June 2002

A Box Turtle Named Desire 05 June 2002

First Nest of 2002 07 June 2002

The Law of Gravidity 09 June 2002

The Big Chill 14 June 2002

Consistency Is the Hobgoblin of Turtle Minds 17 June 2002

A Nesting Homerun 21 June 2002

Talking to the Animals . . . Not! 28 June 2002

Jaws Redux 30 June 2002

July 2002

Seeing the World in the Eyes of a Turtle Cape Cod Times, 7 July 2002

Have You Heard the Story About the Traveling Terrapin? 13 July 2002

Endings Happy, Endings Sad 17 July 2002

The Ancient Occidental Art of Lily Gilding 19 July 2002

Two Unforgettable Days 31 July 2002

August 2002

Teamwork Saves Entangled Leatherback Off Barnstable Harbor 03 August 2002

First Terrapin Hatchlings of 2002 17 August 2002

September 2002

National Geographic Visits the Land of Ooze — 21 September 2002

Turtle TLC, Cape Cod Times — 22 September 2002

October 2002

Bubbles Returns in Triumph at Seasons Close 1 October 2002

Life in the Shadow of an SUV: Ouch! — 2 October 2002

The Whole Shebang: The Story of Terrapin 1233 — 11 October 2002

November 2002

Sea Turtle Strandings Begin with a Big Bang — 2 November 2002

Variety is the Spice of Turtle Life — 4 November 2002

Record Onslaught of Cold-Stunned Sea Turtles — 9 November 2002

Second Stranding Wave Breaks on Cape Cod Shores — 24 November 2002

Ninety-four and Counting on Thanksgiving Eve — 27 November 2002

December 2002

Huge Loggerhead Strands on Truro Beach 2 December 2002

Another Large Loggerhead Propels 2002 into Second Place 3 December 2002

Third Hybrid Sea Turtle Rescued 9 December 2002
Continue to Photo-Diary 2003.
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